Rachel Hoddes Student  
Current Committee

Training points with an exclamation point are safety-critical. As well as meaning more care is taken during training, they may only be signed off after a period of working under supervision.

 Tech Training (tech@newtheatre.org.uk)

1. Technical Basics  7 / 7
2. Technical Director  5 / 9
3. Lighting  4 / 8
4. Sound  1 / 6
5. Video  3 / 5
6. Auditorium  2 / 7
7. Studio A  5 / 7
8. Working at Height  4 / 5

 Further Tech Training (techmanager@newtheatre.org.uk)

9. Power  1 / 3
10. Hired Equipment  0 / 8

 Workshop Training (workshop@newtheatre.org.uk)

11. Workshop Induction  3 / 8
12. Workshop Tools  1 / 10

 Stage Training (csm@newtheatre.org.uk)

13. Set  0 / 3
14. Stage Management  
No training in this department.

 Costume, Props, and Makeup Training (costume@newtheatre.org.uk)

Jump to: 15. Make-Up 

15. Make-up  0 / 2

 Safety Training (theatremanager@newtheatre.org.uk)

16. Committee  2 / 2
17. Students’ Union  1 / 2

 Publicity Training (publicity@newtheatre.org.uk)

Jump to: 18. Camera 

18. Camera  0 / 1